- Turkish towels
Big, plush, soft, and stylish. My go to kitchen towels. I found mine at TJ Maxx, but Amazon also has some good options here.
2. Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens

When I first started doing brush lettering, my favorite pen was the Pentel Touch. Soon after, I ordered these Tobows. For a while, Pentel remained my favorite. Until I started doing 100s of invitations…. I soon began to despise the Pentel and love the Tombows. With the Pentel, it’s really hard to get a hairline upstroke. The Tombows deliver on this every time.
3. Coral Carpet Sedum
*Image found here*
As I was perusing our little downtown farmer’s market, this plant stopped me in my tracks. It looks like a succulent, but it acts as ground cover. I haven’t bought any yet, but I’m in love and totally digging it… now to find where I would put it…
4. Ikea Ektorp couch
Two days after I bought this couch, my 3 year old took a non-washable marker and doodled all over it. I almost cried before I remembered that I could just take off the slipcover and wash it. In less than 2 hours, it was back on the couch in mint condition. Not joking. I will forever sing this couch’s praises. (It also took me less than an hour to put together- and that’s a huge plus in my book).
5. Simple Matters by Erin Boyle
Finally a simple book on simple living. The perfect coffee table book. Beautiful to look at, practical to flip through.
6. Tea cups and saucers
I love rummaging thrift stores for these. For mere cents, these become classics in my collection.
What are some of your favorite things?